What did your weekend look like Use emojis to show us in the comments. Happily ever after? You think so? You suppose so? You believe so? You wish so? Let’s so. Stacy Milbourn,11 is a script coordinator for popular shows like. NARRATOR: And they live together as one family. Here's to my love! (Juliet wakes up before he drinks the poison) (The scene moves backward in reverse motion to the point when Juliet is about to kill herself, the actors can use indistinct sounds for fun like in reverse recordings) Now, the love story can live on as a legend and everyone will talk about Romeo and Juliet who died for love, love that remained an idea… this end served my selfish purposes as a writer, but is this an end they would have chosen if they had had the freedom? What if I let them decide, what if I gave them that freedom… Some of the main components that determine whether a play is entertaining or successful are the story, script writing, performances of actors, stage. SHAKESPEARE: At last, my tragedy about love is finished. The student section includes the script, and two creative thinking and writing worksheets and comprehension activities that allow students to demonstrate their. Here's to my love! ( he drinks the poison) My love! My wife! Forgive me, dear Juliet. This vault a feasting presence full of light. NARRATOR: Is it the scene where you drink the poison and then stab yourself with a dagger, yaaay (exits) ROMEO: Step aside man, I have important things to do. NARRATOR: Two households, both alike in dignity,

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